I joined the Boyes and Belles in 1950, took over as Chairman in the 1980s and spent 25 years in that role. Under my Chairmanship, we brought back the fireworks and wreath laying, which had been dropped several years before, and introduced the Burning Crosses. Membership dropped in the 1980s to around 15 compared to over 40 in the 1950s. In 1986 it was just Norman Bell and I who cut all the torch sticks from May to September. Long live The Boyes and Belles!
We were amazed when, just over three years ago and newly moved to the village, the Mayfield Bonfire Carnival parade came right past our front door in September 2017. What a spectacle! Flames, noise, drums, music! We followed the procession of hundreds of blazing torches up to the High Street amid crowds of local people and visitors all enjoying the superb event organised by MBBB. We had lived in Tunbridge Wells for years and knew a little about the annual Lewes bonfire but didn’t quite appreciate the size and reach of Sussex Bonfire, nor its long history. The significance of such a tradition in Mayfield really struck home so having retired from my job as a school secretary, I took on the role of Membership Secretary of the Mayfield Bonfire Society. I have yet to walk in any of the carnival parades in which MBBB participate, preferring to help out ‘behind the scenes’, ensuring memberships are organised, as well as helping with other fund raisers and events throughout the year. My contribution is small but the rewards of being involved in something so significant in the history of this lovely village are enormous.
Rob, who has lived in Mayfield for about 40 years, is MBS Treasurer and a Director. After retiring early from employment as a chartered engineer in the paper industry I went rock climbing a lot and worked as village handyman. Also I helped run various village societies eg History Soc. and now enjoy cycling, long walks and collies.
After watching Carnival for many years, in 2017 I joined MBS and have walked at several events, and been a barrier marshal here, then joined the committee last year.
“I love the Sussex Bonfire tradition, with its off the wall atmosphere of noise, torches, mayhem and beer! Taking part is special, visiting other villages. I encourage everyone to get involved with Carnival, the biggest annual event that Mayfield has to offer. This year has been difficult, but MBS will survive!”
Having retired from work in 2019 David moved to Mayfield from Essex in late 2020 knowing absolutely nothing about the tradition of Sussex Bonfire societies. However, once he learnt about the nature and scale of the annual torchlit procession through the village he felt that he had to become involved in a community event that bore no comparison to anything that he had experienced before. Subsequently, he discovered that belonging to the Mayfield Bonfire Boyes and Belles is a great way to integrate into the life of the village.